SOC2 compliance
Published on Mar 20, 2024 - Updated on Oct 1, 2024

MotaWord: Now Certified with SOC 2 Compliance

MotaWord: Now Certified with SOC 2 Compliance

In the digital age, data security and privacy are fundamental to maintaining customer trust and business integrity. MotaWord, renowned for the accuracy and speed of its translation services, places great importance on the protection of client information. We adhere to strict data protection standards and are proud to have reaffirmed our commitment to security with our latest achievement: SOC 2 Type I compliance. This milestone not only reflects our dedication to excellence, but also ensures that our clients' sensitive information is handled with the utmost security and care.

What is SOC 2 compliance?

SOC 2 compliance, which stands for Service Organisation Control 2, is an audit process developed by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) to ensure that service providers manage data securely to protect the interests of their organisation and the privacy of their customers. This compliance is critical for companies that store customer data in the cloud, as it provides a benchmark for their information security measures.

The importance of SOC 2 compliance cannot be overstated. It acts as a mark of trust and reliability, assuring customers that the service provider maintains high standards in handling and securing data. For companies like MotaWord that deal with sensitive translation material, achieving SOC 2 compliance demonstrates a serious commitment to data security and builds a strong foundation of trust with clients.

SOC 2 is based on five trusted service principles, each designed to protect client data:

  • Security: The system is protected from unauthorised access (both physical and logical).
  • Availability: The system is available for operation and use as promised or agreed.
  • Processing Integrity: System processing is complete, valid, accurate, timely and authorised to meet the organisation's objectives.
  • Confidentiality: Information designated as confidential is protected in accordance with the service organisation's commitments and agreements.
  • Privacy: Personal information is collected, used, retained, disclosed and disposed of in accordance with the commitments in the entity's privacy notice.

Together, these principles ensure a holistic approach to data security and privacy, from protection against unauthorised access to the ethical handling of personal information.

Our journey to SOC 2 compliance:

Achieving SOC 2 compliance was a significant undertaking for MotaWord, reflecting our unwavering commitment to ensuring the highest standards of data security and privacy. Our journey to this milestone has been methodical and comprehensive, involving every level of our organisation.

Steps taken by MotaWord to achieve SOC 2 compliance

Assessment and Planning: We began with a thorough assessment of our existing data security policies and systems against the SOC 2 requirements. This helped us identify areas for improvement and develop a detailed action plan.

Policies and procedures: We updated our policies and procedures to meet the rigorous standards of SOC 2. This included implementing stricter access controls, improving data encryption methods and establishing more stringent data protection protocols.

Employee training and awareness: Recognising that our employees play a critical role in maintaining security, we conducted comprehensive training sessions. These were designed to ensure that every team member understood their role in upholding our security commitments.

System and process changes: Thanks to our already high standards of security and best practices, we have made only small changes to our IT systems and business processes to enhance security and ensure that we can meet SOC 2 standards for processing integrity and confidentiality.

Continuous monitoring and improvement: Even before achieving SOC 2 compliance, we established ongoing monitoring mechanisms to ensure continuous compliance and improvement, preparing us not only for the initial audit, but also for sustained compliance with SOC 2 principles.

The difference between Type I and Type II compliance:

During our journey, we focused on achieving both Type I and Type II compliance, each of which serves a different purpose:

SOC 2 Type I compliance assesses the adequacy of the design of a service organisation's controls at a point in time. It is like a snapshot in time, providing assurance that our systems are correctly designed to meet the relevant trust principles.

SOC 2 Type II compliance is an ongoing process that evaluates the operational effectiveness of an organisation's controls over a defined period of time, typically at least six months. MotaWord is currently in the midst of this rigorous phase, striving to ensure that our systems and controls are not only properly designed, but also consistently applied over time.

While we have successfully achieved SOC 2 Type I compliance, confirming the robust design of our security measures, our journey towards Type II compliance is a clear indicator of our ongoing commitment to security and operational excellence. This stage involves a deeper, more prolonged examination, requiring continued application and adherence to our established security practices.

Our dedication to completing the SOC 2 Type II compliance process assures our customers of our unwavering commitment to protecting their information. It underscores not only the robustness of our controls, but also our pledge to maintain and improve these measures to ensure consistent protection of customer information over time.

Implications for our clients:

MotaWord's achievement of SOC 2 compliance has far-reaching implications for our clients, providing an additional layer of trust and confidence in our translation services. Here's what our SOC 2 compliance means for you:

Enhanced security: Our SOC 2 compliance ensures that MotaWord has implemented robust security measures to protect against unauthorised access and data breaches. This means that your sensitive documents and personal information are protected by industry-leading security practices.

Assured processing integrity: With SOC 2 compliance, you can be confident that your translation projects will be handled accurately, efficiently and reliably. Our systems and processes have been validated to ensure that every translation meets our high standards of quality and accuracy.

Confidentiality: We understand the importance of confidentiality, particularly in translation. Our SOC 2 compliance confirms our commitment to protecting any confidential information you provide us with, ensuring that it is only accessed by authorised individuals and used strictly for the agreed purposes.

Privacy: We respect your privacy and are committed to handling your personal information responsibly and in accordance with our privacy policy. SOC 2 compliance means that our systems and procedures are in place to ensure that your personal information is properly collected, used and disposed of.

MotaWord's SOC 2 compliance is more than just a certification; it reflects our ongoing commitment to providing secure, reliable and professional translation services. As our client, you are at the heart of everything we do, and our SOC 2 compliance is a testament to our promise to serve you with integrity and excellence.

Looking forward: MotaWord's ongoing commitment to security and privacy

At MotaWord, our commitment to maintaining the highest standards of security and privacy is unwavering. We understand that the privacy landscape is constantly evolving, and as such, our commitment to enhancing security measures and fostering customer trust remains steadfast.

Future steps to enhance privacy and customer trust:

Regular audits and updates: We will continue to conduct regular security audits and updates to ensure that our systems meet the latest security standards and address emerging threats.

Employee training: Ongoing training programs for our employees will ensure that everyone at MotaWord remains informed about data security and privacy best practices.

Customer Feedback: We value our customers' insights and will continue to incorporate their feedback into our security and privacy strategies.

Technology Advancements: We will continue to invest in advanced security technologies to further protect customer data from emerging cyber threats.

Transparency: We will maintain open communication about our security practices, ensuring that clients are informed and comfortable with how their data is handled.

Explore Secure Translation with MotaWord

We invite our valued customers and prospects to explore the robust features of MotaWord's translation services. Learn first-hand how our SOC 2 compliance and commitment to security can add value to your translation needs. We encourage you to contact us to discuss how our commitment to security and privacy can benefit your business and ensure the confidentiality and integrity of your translation projects.

For more information or to start a project, please contact our support team. Let's discuss how we can help you achieve your global communication goals securely and effectively.


In conclusion, MotaWord's commitment to security and privacy is at the heart of our service offering. Our SOC 2 compliance is not just a certification, but a testament to our dedication to the highest standards of data protection. By choosing a SOC 2-compliant service provider such as MotaWord, you are ensuring that your translation needs are met with the utmost attention to security and privacy. Partner with us and experience the peace of mind that comes from working with a translation service that values the security of your data as much as you do.


Published on Mar 20, 2024

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