Collaborative Translation

MotaWord's collaborative translation model is a core feature that sets it apart from traditional translation services. This model harnesses the power of a large, distributed network of professional translators who work together to complete projects quickly and accurately.


When a translation request is received, MotaWord's system divides the document into manageable segments. These segments are then distributed to multiple translators who work simultaneously on the same project.

Translators collaborate in real-time, allowing for consistent terminology and style throughout the document. This collaborative environment is facilitated by MotaWord's platform, which includes tools for communication, terminology management, and style guides.

As translators complete their segments, editors and proofreaders review the work to ensure accuracy and consistency. This multi-layered quality assurance process helps maintain high standards across all translations.

MotaWord utilizes advanced technology, including translation memory and machine learning tools, to support the collaborative process. Translation memory helps ensure that previously translated phrases and terms are used consistently, while machine learning aids in improving translation efficiency and accuracy.

Once all segments are translated and reviewed, the document is reassembled and undergoes a final quality check. The completed translation is then delivered to the client, often within a remarkably short timeframe.

feature 1

Speed, Consistency and Accuracy

By allowing multiple translators to work on a document simultaneously, MotaWord can complete projects much faster than traditional methods. This is particularly useful for urgent or large-scale projects that require quick turnaround times​​​​. Besides, the collaborative model ensures that terminology and style remain consistent throughout the document. Real-time communication and shared resources like glossaries and style guides help maintain this consistency​​​​.


High quality and cost effective

By optimizing the translation process and utilizing a network of translators, MotaWord can offer competitive pricing without compromising quality. The collaborative model helps reduce costs associated with traditional translation methods​​​​. The multi-layered quality assurance process, involving translators, editors, and proofreaders, ensures that the final product meets high standards of accuracy and professionalism. This approach minimizes errors and enhances the reliability of the translations​​​.


24/7 support and transparent pricing

The platform is available around the clock, providing instant quotes and support to ensure that clients can get their translation needs met at any time. This is particularly beneficial for urgent projects and international clients​​. Furthermore,  MotaWord prides itself on transparent pricing with no hidden fees, minimum charges, or subscription requirements. Clients can get instant quotes and know exactly what they will pay from the start​​​​. 
