Retail & CPG Translation

Take the first step towards effective communication in the global marketplace and request a quote for our CPG & Retail Translation Services today.

Maximize Your Global Impact with Customized Translation Services for CPG & Retail

Effective communication is essential for success in today's global marketplace. If you're in the Consumer Packaged Goods (CPG) or retail industry, accurate and culturally relevant translations are critical to reaching and engaging your target audiences.

Our team of professional translators has extensive experience in CPG and retail, and is familiar with the terminology, product categories, and cultural nuances specific to your industry. We offer a full range of translation services, including website localization, product labeling, packaging, user manuals, marketing materials, and more.


MotaWord’s Translation Process


One-Click Document Upload:

Effortlessly Share Your Documents.

translation process

Efficient Translation Process:

Promptly Assigned to Professional Translators.

quality checking

Stringent Quality Checking:

Thorough Review by Proofreaders.

download your document

Retrieve Your Translations:

Download from Client Dashboard or Email Delivery.

Achieve Your Global Goals with Tailored CPG & Retail Translation Services

Whether you're launching a new product in a foreign market, expanding your brand globally, or communicating with international partners, our translation services can help you achieve your goals.

Features and Benefits:

  • Accurate and culturally relevant translations, tailored to your target audience
  • Fast and efficient project turnaround times
  • Experienced translators with a deep understanding of the CPG and retail industry
  • Quality assurance processes to ensure consistency and accuracy across all translationsy
  • Competitive pricing to meet your budget requirements
Retail & CPG Documents
Editorial Content Posters Language and Culture Testing
Product Descriptions Apparel Product Specification Sheets
Point of Sale Electronic Products Product Care Instructions
Marketing Material Food and Beverages After-Sale Materials
Product Catalogues Commercial Equipment Demo Videos
E-Commerce Patents Menu Translations
Training manuals Product support website Compliance and Regulatory Measures
User Manual Translation User Reviews

Seamless Integrations
for a Streamlined Process

MotaWord API

MotaWord API

Seamlessly integrate translation into your products and platforms.

clio integration

Clio Integration

Simplify certified translation for law firms, saving time and effort.

Wordpress Integration

WordPress Integration

Localize your content directly from your WordPress dashboard.

Drupal Integration


Streamline the localization process for Drupal users.

Google Chrome Extension

Google Chrome Extension

Instantly send selected content to our system with a single click.


Need more assistance?

If you're ready to expand your reach and effectively communicate in the global marketplace, we're here to help. We look forward to working with you and helping you achieve your global goals.
